1st Body: The Soul Body
2nd Body: The Protective Mind = The Negative Mind
3rd Body: The Projective Mind = The Positive Mind
4th Body:The Meditative Mind = The Neutral Mind
5th Body: The Physical Body
6th Body: The Arc Line = The Halo
7th Body: The Auric Body = Aura
8th Body: The Pranic Body = Prana
9th Body: The Subtle Body
10th Body: The Radiant Body
11th Body: Contains all ten
SOUL = DAY (added together if 2 digits)
KARMA = MONTH (added together if 2 digits)
SOUL = 4
GIFT = 7+0 = 7
KNOWLEDGE = 1+9+7+0 = 17= 1+7 = 8
PATH = 4+4+7+1+9+7+0 = 32= 3+2 = 5
SOUL = 2+0 = 2
GIFT = 7+9 = 16 = 1+6 = 7
KNOWLEDGE = 1+9+7+9 = 26 = 2+6 = 8
PATH = 2+0+3+1+9+7+9 = 31 = 3+1 = 4
The soul number represents that which is blocking you from connecting with your inner self, your soul. It tells you what you need to work on to experience inner peace. This is how you feel about yourself.
The karma number represents a challenge connecting with the outside dimension. It’s something that is blocking you from creating the outside reality you want. This is how you think you are seen by the outside world.
The gift number is a strength that you have naturally from birth, and it is something that you should use in this lifetime.
The knowledge number is a strength which has been earned in past lives. It manifests as knowledge and in the successful way you handle situations in life.
The path number is a general challenge in life. It tells you what you need to do to get true fulfillment. It’s what you want the most in life.
“Heart vs. Head”
The wise/ The holy person
- How can I further appreciate the compassion and creativity that I have with myself while I’m sharing it with others?
- Does this feels like my soul’s purpose?
- Do I come from the heart?
Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak was the creative force of the Sikh Dharma. He was known because his humility is a quality that appears when mastering the 1st body. You become humble when you bow your head so your heart is higher that your head. He used to say things like “I am the worm of the worms, the lowest of the low. I am heathen. I’ve done many ruthless things in life. I’m worse that any other person. It’s only out of your mercy that I have found your wonder.”
Intellect vs. Emotions – Heart. Overly Intellectual
Soul is the connection with your inner self. It also corresponds with apana, the elimination energy. In Yoga, it said that a person should have a bowel movement after each meal. In other words, if you have three meals a day you should have three bowel movements per day.
Apana is also related to sexual energy. When the first body is working well, you feel very creative and sexual about life. If you are afraid of connecting to your inner self, your soul, you may have a difficult time enjoying sex.
The 1st body also corresponds to the first Chakra. The characteristics of the 1st Chakra including security, survival and a sense of being grounded.
It’s also where the Kundalini energy resides, the nuclear energy of the human being.
Soul Body never dies. When our physical body dies, the subtle body encapsulates the soul body and then you move on. From the yogi’s point of view, the soul body has an exact weight of an ounce. How can something that travels through time and space have weight? It is like energy, it can’t be destroyed.
The soul body has a purpose in your existence. In other words, you actions have an impact in the future as well as the present. So it is good to ask ourselves how our actions will impact ourselves and others in the future, whether it be in 5 years, 10 years, 500 lifetimes, 1000 lifetimes, etc.
Yogi Bhajan said that it takes 8.4 million lifetimes to become a human.
It’s the inner connection with your inner self, the balance between heart and head. Heart as compassion, love, affection, gratitude, forgiveness and so on, and head as the intellect, the ego. We need them both to be in harmony. In our society, more attention is paid to the intellect and the ego than the heart’s intuition and gratitude.
There is a connection between the inner body and the physical body. When you begin to notice something going on in the physical body, start checking your inner body, your soul. The body is always warning you with signals. The aptitude toward self denial is very typical in America. If the cholesterol is high, forget about it and never check it again. Failure to take care of the self is a sign that the first body is not working as well as you think.
The soul needs attention. He travels with you beyond this life and sometimes we don’t hear him.
When the soul is balanced, you feel intuitive, creative, compassionate, and so on. For example, you won’t put yourself out of balance by putting yourself in another’s place.
When the number 1 is in a challenge position, one needs to learn to balance the male energy within themselves and integrate with other people. You need to learn to gain a respected leadership, otherwise you will be “quick from the gate”.
Any mantra you can stick to will work. If you notice that you are being overly intellectual, vibrate a mantra. Think of how God is inside everything.
- Stretch pose. 2 minutes.
- Spinal flex. In easy pose. 2 minutes.
- Higher spinal flex. Sit on the heels. 2 minutes.
- Front stretch. Left and right. 2 minutes each side. Long deep breathing.
- Half sit ups. 6-10 repetitions. Count to 6 going up, and 6 going down. Exhale up, inhale down. Place your feet flat on the floor. Interlace your finger and place behind the neck.
- Navel Charge. Inhale and sit up, then lean back to the point where you are about to fall back. Bring your arms parallel to the ground and hold the position; Breath of Fire. Keep the spine straight. 1 minute. To end: Inhale, exhale, and lie back on the back.
- Belly laugh. While moving the belly, start to think of something funny. 2 minutes. To end: rock back and forth.
- Heart opener. Place the left arm back with the left palm facing out. Then bring the right arm up, bent at the elbow, and try to catch the left palm. Do Breath of Fire for 1 minute. To end: inhale deeply, hold and apply root lock. Switch arms and repeat.
- SAT KAR TAR. “Truth and light does it all”. Sit in easy pose. Concentrate on the heart center. SAT: hands in prayer pose at the heart center. KAR: straight arms forward with palms facing out as if you were pushing a wall. TAR: open the arms to the sides. 5 to 11 minutes. To end: inhale, exhale, and place the hands on the knees and roll the shoulders a few times to loosen them up.
- Pulse meditation.- Sit in a comfortable sitting position. Breathe long and deep through your nose. Close your eyes and focus them on the third eye. Find your pulse on your wrist or on your neck. Vibrate mentally the mantra Sat Nam with every beat of your heart. Do this for 11 minutes minimum. You can also increase to 31 or, even better, 62 minutes.
This meditation is very simple but very effective. It really makes you go deep. It allows you to develop a relationship with your inner self. Very powerful!
- Heart Center Meditation. Place the hands in front of the heart center keeping a space of about 4 inches between them, with the right hand over the left hand. Meditate on the ball of energy between them. Chant HUM, putting emphasis on the M as long as the breath allows. Feel that with the light of the ball, you are enlightened too, along with the room, the world, and the universe. From 5 to 11 minutes.
Example: Crossing the road. Going from point A to B.
Not moving from A = overprotective = imbalance 2 body
Not looking = very positive = over projective = imbalance 3 body
Stopping, looking and listening = balance 2 and 3 body = meditative mind
The lover
“Longing to belong”
Can I calculate the risk in a situation?
If the situation goes wrong, how can I protect myself?
Guru Angad
He was known for his obedience, discipline, and endurance.
In a challenge position, you may feel fearful and/or overly protective. You may also jump into situations or relationships without considering the consequences. You may carry with you all the feelings around you without being responsible for them.
You may feel insecure or indecisive when making a decision. You may also feel unable to join with another person.
You have a great desire to have meaningful relationships but you need to consider the risk before jumping into them in order to be successful.
In a strength position, you are able to see the negative side of situations. You take calculated risks. You can join with others successfully. You can merge into relationships happily. This is a feminine energy number and it can be very supportive. Diplomatic, peace maker, harmonious, obedient.
The 2nd body corresponds to the second Chakra. The element is water, and it’s properties are fluidity, flexibility, and connection. In intercourse, the water in the man will be the semen, also known as ojas, and in the woman it will be the lubricant. In a yogic lifestyle, you can enjoy a sexual life with your partner but it’s also important to restrain from sexual activity with the goal of preserving that potent energy. This energy strengthens the immune system, makes the skin shine, and makes you physically very active.
This is not a negative thing. This is necessary to have. It protects you!
Set boundaries are a good thing. You won’t need attorneys in the future.
Every 2 wants to become 1. It’s the urge to merge, the desire to belong to something like a group, a relationship, a job, etc. The idea is to merge into something so you are different because of it.
You need to calculate the dangers of any situation, identify the appropriate boundaries, and decide what’s best for you and your new union.
The union discussed in Yoga is the union of your higher self and your lower self.
“I’m part of that, I belong to myself”
How to do it:
Ratio 4:4. Inhale through your nose in 4 parts, and exhale through your nose in 4 parts using the full capacity of your lungs. Straighten the legs out in front of you and bring your arms out in front, parallel to the floor, with the thumbs up and the rest of the fingers bent. Close the eyes 9/10 of the way and look at the thighs. Now lean back slightly. Hold this position and start mentally vibrating the mantra. So So So So during the inhalation, and Hum Hum Hum Hum during the exhalation. 3 minutes.
- Moving wide leg stretch. Sit with the legs separated before you. Inhale, then exhale while stretching down to the left. Inhale while raising to the center, then exhale and stretch down to the center. Inhale while raising to the center, then exhale while stretching down to the right. Keep the eyes closed. 2 minutes.
- Triangle pose. Long deep breathing. 3 minutes.
- Cobra pose. Long deep breathing. 3 minutes. To end: inhale, exhale and hold the breath out and apply root lock.
- Baby pose. 1 minute.
- Spinal flex holding the breath. Sit down in easy pose or on the heels. Inhale and hold the breath in as long as you can comfortably do so while flexing the spine. When you need to inhale again, straighten the spine in the center, stopping the motion and exhale. 3 minutes.
- Meditation for Negating False identity. This meditation requires an active thinking mind. Sit in easy pose and start thinking of how you identify yourself. For example, your gender, your name, your family role, your job, etc. Think about all the good and bad qualities you can. After each though, deny it. For example, I am a teacher, and I’m not a teacher. The goal is to peel off the layers so at the end it’s only the unknown that is left. You! From 5 to 11 minutes.
3rd BODY = The Projective Mind
The magician/ entertainer
“Devil (de-will) vs. Divine”
Do I allow myself to experience the good things in life?
Do I allow myself to be hopeful?
Guru Amar Das
The third guru. He was known for his devotion and divine love. He also promoted equal rights and dignity.
In a challenge position, this is a person who has unrealistic expectations, a person who makes promises to please others and has a hard time saying NO. You really want to see the positive side of a situation, but you can become insecure or worried in a second. You may also be self-destructive at times, whether obvious or hidden.
In a strength position, this is a positive person with a good sense of humor. Humor makes you see the light in the mundane. You project light and are very uplifting to others. Determined! The chef = food, optimistic, joyful.
The 3rd body addresses the infinite possibilities of any situation. Too much or too little is risky and that’s why it must be balanced. Some people work this number when they have to deal with a serious illness, often through support groups, getting rid of the negativity. If unbalanced, you can be overly optimistic and jump into situations without measuring the risk. You can work on this body through Yoga and meditation.
One that eliminates negativity, such as the protection mantra. Listen to it.
- Plane. Sit in easy pose. Place your left arm by your side, 60 degrees up with the palm facing up. Then straight your right arm out to the side, 30 degrees up. Close the eyes. Long deep breathing. Concentrate on the heart center. 3 minutes. Switch arms and repeat for 3 minutes.
- Resting the hands in gyan mudra, continue with long deep breathing for 1 minute.
- Throat. Sit in easy pose. Extend the arms out at the sides, parallel to the floor with the palms facing up. Long deep breathing. Concentrate on the throat. 3 minutes.
- Leg push. Lie on the floor with the arms by the sides. Inhale and raise the left leg up, toes pointed, 12 inches off the floor. Exhale and switch to the right leg, as if trying to push a wall. 2 minutes.
- Cat and Cow. 3 minutes.
- Baby pose. 1 minute.
- Lie down in celibate pose. Sit on the floor between your heels, or on the knees, or in easy pose and lie down. Place the arms over the head and grasp the opposite elbows. Breathe long and deep for 2 minutes.
- Rock and Roll. Lie on the floor. Bring both knees towards the chest and hug the legs. Start rolling back and forth. 1 minute.
- Relaxing. Sit in easy pose or on your heels. Place the hands on the lap. Start breathing long and deep through the nose. Close the eyes and look at the third eye. 3 minutes
4th BODY = The Meditative Mind
The counselor
“Cup of prayer”
Am I being balanced in my decisions?
In a challenge position, this is a person who is overly structured and organized. They are strong and opinionated and may even be perceived as arrogant and stubborn.
It’s very important for a number 4 to do humanitarian or selfless work at some point. Because of their true humanitarian nature, it will make them humble.
In a strength position, this is a person who balances the pros and cons in a natural way. They are very humanitarian and service-oriented. They can create internal and external balance.
This is the last step in the thought process, though success cannot be achieved until the last stage of neutrality has been reached. This step gives you all of the true opportunities available to you.
Very humanitarian.
“Cup Of Prayer.” The ability to see the glass as half empty or half full, depending on whether it is too protective or too projective.
Meditative mind people are contagious. They put you in that state of mind too. They are also good listeners.
The best way to obtain a meditative mind is by meditating.
- Leg stretch. Straighten the left leg in front of you and lean over it. Long deep breathing for 1 minute. Switch legs and perform for another minute.
- Butterfly/ Spine flex. Come into butterfly pose. Bring the soles of your feet together and inhale while bending forward then exhale while bending back. 1 minute.
- Torso twist. In easy pose or resting on the heels, place the hands on the shoulders with the thumbs back and the fingers facing forward. Inhale and twist left, exhale and twist right. 1 minute.
- Shoulder Rolls. Inhale and roll the shoulders back. 1 minute.
- Head Rolls. Roll the head in one direction 3 times slowly, then change direction.
- Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. This is a hard one but it has amazing benefits. It cuts out neurotic patterns of thinking and is a wonderful antidepressent. It relives unhealthy attachments to past traumas and purifies your karma. A recent study has suggested that it can be as powerful as antidepressant medication.
Sit in easy pose. Look at the tip of the nose or the third eye.
Block the right nostril with the right thumb. Rest the left hand in Gyan mudra (index finger and thumb) in the lap. Inhale through the left nostril and mentally vibrate the mantra WA HE GURU. 16 times.
Every time you vibrate the mantra, pull the navel in 3 times, one time with WA, another with HE, and the third time with GURU, for a total of 48 times.
Then block the left nostril with the right index finger and start over again.
Start with 11 minutes and build up from there.
5 th BODY = The Physical Body
The teacher/ The leader
“Half God, Half Man. Half of Balance.”
How can I further appreciate my own strength while I’m sharing it with others?
In a challenge position, this can manifest as an inconsistent person. Since number 5 likes change so much and hates routine, this may manifest as a person who does many things without mastering any. They may feel confined by other people or environments. They have to learn that true freedom is found within oneself.
This person may seem over concerned with the physical body, clothing, etc. They are not sure how to use their energy, proving too active sometimes and too sedentary at other times. They really want to relate to other people since number fives are great communicators.
In strength position, this can manifest as someone who has a natural gift for teaching. They have great endurance and health. Since they love to travel, they may have great experiences due to those adventures. They can be freedom fighters.
The physical body is the one we all relate to. Yogi Bhajan said that to earn a physical body you have to go through 8.4 million incarnations. He said that 8.4 million incarnations is equal to one light year. So it takes 100,000 light years to get a physical body capable of self realization.
- Triangle pose. 3 minutes.
- Cobra pose. 2 minutes.
- Baby pose. 1 minute.
- Yoga Mudra. Sit on the heels. Bring the forehead towards the floor and keep it there. Interlace your fingers and straighten the elbows until you make a 90 degree angle between the floor and the arms. Stay there, breathing long and deep for 2 minutes.
- Yoga Mudra and Camel pose. Sitting on your heels, bring the forehead to the floor with the arms up and the fingers interlaced, as in the above position. Now inhale, come up, and sit on your heels. Keep inhaling and come off of the heels and onto your knees and arch back. Then exhale, sit on the heels, and bring the forehead back to the floor. 2 minutes.
- Front leg stretch. Stretch the legs out in front of you. Bring the right foot to the inside of the left leg, square your hips and inhale, then exhale and bend over the left leg. Long deep breathing. 2 minutes. Switch sides.
- Body drops. Stretch both legs in front of you and make a fish with your hands, placing them by the hips. Your are going to inhale and bring your whole body up for at least 1 second, then exhale and drop down. Continue for 1 minute.
- Spinal flex on the heels. 2 minutes.
- Half Spinal twist. Stretch the left leg in front of you and bring the right foot over the left leg, placing it against the outside of the left leg. Bring the left elbow to the outside part of the right knee. Breathe long and deep. 1 minute. Switch sides.
- Prosperity Meditation. This meditation, as its name indicates, brings prosperity to your life, an abundance of resources, and the ability to recognize opportunities.
Sit in a cross legged position. Bring the arms out with the elbows slightly in. Pull arms back and at the same time chant HAR, “the creative force”, while pulling the navel in. Look at the tip of your nose. 11 minutes.
6th BODY = The Arc Line or Halo
The Priest/ Shaman
“Man at Prayer”
Am I being truthful?
Am I being honest?
Am I acting with integrity?
In a challenge position, this is manifested as a person who is not consistent with his word. He has an inability to follow up on or obtain the desired results. He may have what is called a “monkey mind”. He may be misunderstood because his intentions are good but he doesn’t have the ability to create the expected. Their desire is to be able to create their own reality by themselves.
In a strength position, this is manifested as a person with a protective shield. This is a very powerful person who has good concentration. They are lucky and consistent. Number 6s are people who are involved in protecting others. They have a natural sense of sacredness and prayer. They are dedicated to family.
The number six represents the Halo. It goes from one ear to the other. Its strength varies depending on the person’s well-being and mental health. It can be as thick as one-and-a-half inches or it can be very thin, even broken. If it is broken in too many places, you can’t stay alive.
The 6th body is about integrity.
I.e.- Gandy- sugar, hunter that become photograph
It’s a natural protection shield that surrounds the person whenever he goes, even if he or she becomes exposed to danger. It filters the negativity.
It’s the power to create reality, the power of prayer.
Integrity is when your inner reality meets your outer projection because you have a light side and a dark side too. To learn to integrate both could be the work of a lifetime.
We all have the power of the mother’s prayer with us, another protection shield.
- Speak only the truth for 40 days. The divine truth, meaning that being truthful does not mean being rude.
- Bye Bye. In easy pose, bring the arm out at 45 to 60 degrees. Keep the elbows straight and start waving the hand for 1 minute. Switch hands.
- Meditation Dhrib Dhrist Lochina Karma Kriya. This meditation allows you to inspire with your words and speak the truth. It gives you the power to heal others with your eyes and hands. You will know the consequences of your actions.
- Meditation for the Arc line. Sit in a cross- legged position. Inhale and, while mentally counting to 5, bring the forehead to the knee. Hold the position (forehead on knee) and the breath in while mentally counting to 15. Then exhale and bring the head up while counting to 5. Do 26 times on each side. First do one knee and then switch to the other. 10 minutes.
7th BODY = The Auric Body
The healer
“Platform of Elevation”
Do I allow myself to elevate myself and others?
In a challenge position, this may manifest as a person with low self-esteem. He feels his shine comes from his outward appearance rather than from within. He feels that people expect him to be more independent and nurturing, and that he has to live up to their expectations.
His more inner desire is to be himself, regardless of anyone’s expectations.
In a strength position, this will manifest as an intelligent person, a wise person. They are independent. They like to read, and they like music. This may represent a nun or priest living in seclusion. This is someone who has obtained intense knowledge through many lifetimes. They also have learned to uplift themselves, and they can be good teachers and very good parents because their presence uplifts environments and circumstances. They can work in relative seclusion, i.e. a scientist in a laboratory, park ranger in the forest, priest, or nun.
The seventh body is the auric body, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds a person. Most children are able to see auras at a very early age between 2 and 4. After that, the pituitary gland changes and this makes it more difficult to see them. You can do certain meditations to develop this quality.
A regular aura can be somewhere between three and nine feet. Between three and seven is the most common. A nine-inch aura is rare. Wearing white clothes increases the aura by 12 inches.
People with strong auras can be very uplifting to be with. They put you in that state too, it’s contagious.
There are many benefits of a strong aura. The person is surrounded by this electromagnetic field that protects him/her and gives them projection. Auras are nurturing, compassionate, charismatic, and “human’s forklifts”. That’s why the key phrase is “platform of elevation”.
- Front leg stretch. Stretch the legs out in front of you. Bring the right foot in to the inner side of the left leg, square your hips and inhale. While exhaling, bend over the left leg. Long deep breathing. 2 minutes. Switch sides.
- Cat and Cow. 2 minutes.
- Aura Builder.
- 4 to 1 Breath Aura Builder. Sit in easy pose. 4:1 – inhale in 4 equal parts until the lungs are at the maximum capacity, then exhale in 1 part. Keep the arms out, the elbows straight and the palms up. Inhale 30, inhale parallel to the ground, inhale 60, inhale arms down. Exhale and touch the palms to the ground. 3 minutes. This practice builds coordination and expands the aura which can help with depression.
- Back Paddling.
- Triangle Push Ups.
- Arm Chops.
- Arm Swings.
- Mediation for the Aura. Sit in easy pose and place the hands on the knees. Now concentrate on the space around your body, the electromagnetic field. Feel it getting bigger. The next affirmations should be repeated, keeping the focus on the electromagnetic field: IAM LIGHT. I AM STRONG. I AM BRIGHT. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM KIND. WHAHE GURU. Repeat 7 times.
8th BODY = The Pranic Body
The Warrior
“Finite vs. Infinite”
Will I allow myself to be fearless?
In a challenge position, this may manifest as a person who is dealing with power or leadership, whether it be through money, the physical body, or other things. Sometimes they may feel abandoned, fearful, and lonely. They may have a hard time connecting with themselves and integrating their dark side.
They may feel that people see them as having it all, and they may feel suffocated by their demands or expectations.
They really want to connect with their own source of energy.
In a strength position, this may be manifested as a fearless person, a very energetic person. They experience abundance, and they have developed a strong connection with their inner self. Business can be their arena. They also have a big heart so a healing career can be another avenue for them.
They are able to connect with the infinity source.
The Pranic Body. Prana means “life force”, energy that comes through the breath.
“Finite vs. Infinite” means that we have a finite life span but we also have infinite amounts of energy available to us.
The breath is a source of energy that comes from the universe. Yogi Bhajan calls it “The breath of life” and it is something that comes to you naturally. When we feel a lack of energy, we experience scarcity. That’s when you are afraid or lacking confidence.
When the eighth body is strong, you are fearless and have an amazing ability to live in a world of duality, day and night, light, and dark, cold and hot, feminine and masculine, etc.
- 17 minute Breathing Series. Easy pose.
-Breath of Fire. 7 minutes.
-Long Deep breathing. 5 minutes.
-Mouth/Nose Combination. 3 minutes. Through puckered lips, inhale
at your full capacity the, as slowly as possible, exhale through the nose.
-Breath of Fire. 2 minutes.
9th BODY = The Subtle Body
“The Advisor/ The Recorder”
“Mastery or Mystery”
Am I being subtle and calm?
In a challenge position, this may manifest as a person who has the ability to be very psychic but must learn to balance between their own thoughts and emotions and those of others. Nines can read between the lines, but can become rude if pushed. They can also be aggressive, explosive and insecure because they tend to focus on small details and they cannot see the big picture.
They seem themselves clearly but they believe they are misunderstood by others. They are overwhelmed with a lot of information and are sometimes surprised when they discover that what they think doesn’t have anything to do with what is.
Number nines want to clearly communicate all that they know. They want to see the big picture.
In a strength position, nines can read between lines. They are very subtle and feminine. They get the big picture and have access to the akashic records. They are long term thinkers. They are calm and subtle. They are sophisticated and have an artistic appreciation.
As Yogi Bhajan used to say, “Where there is mastery, there is not mystery”. This number is a very feminine number and highly intuitive to the point where this can be overwhelming if not channeled in an appropriate way. You don’t need to communicate too directly to a number nine, they already know because they can pick up on all the subtleties. They can see the whole picture, which is why they are long term thinkers, meaning that they think about the reactions of their actions. For instance, when you eat, how that affects you in that moment, in a few hours, how it is going to make you feel, etc.
Nine is also connected with the small intestines. Because of this, it’s not uncommon for a number nine to have digestive problems, or problems digesting information because they are very critical.
- Spinal Flex. Sit in easy pose and grab your shins. Inhale and flex your spine forward, then exhale and flex your spine back. Keep the neck at the same level. 2 minutes.
- Butterfly Pose. Sit on the floor and bring the sole of the feet together and grab the big toes. Lean forward, keeping the spine straight. 2 minutes. In the middle of the big toe is the reflex point of the pituitary gland.
- Navel Strength. Sitting on the floor, stretch the legs in front of you and keep the spine straight. Lean back and start doing Breath of Fire. 1 minute.
- Torso Twist. Sit in easy pose or on the heels and interlace the fingers behind the back. Inhale and twist left, then exhale and twist right. 1 minute.
- Shoulder Shrug. In easy pose, start rolling your shoulders back and forth for 1 minute.
- Neck Rolls. Sit in easy pose and roll the neck slowly 3 times to one side, and then 3 times to the other side.
- Calming Breath. Sit in easy pose. Close the right nostril with the right thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the right index finger and exhale through the right nostril. 2 minutes.
- Clearing Pranayama. Sit in easy pose and close the right nostril with the right thumb. Do Breath of Fire for 1 minute, then switch sides.
- White Swan Meditation. The name is due to the hand position. Place the pads of the fingers together, thumbs included, in front of the eyes and stare at the thumbs intensely for a few minutes. The idea is to mentally picture your thumbs when you close your eyes. When you are ready, go ahead and close the eyes and visualize the thumbs. Relax the breath. From 3 – 11 minutes.
- Meditation for Conquering Death. Sit in easy pose. This meditation gets you back in touch with the subtleties of life. Place the thumbs on the ears, and the index fingers over your closed eyes. The middle fingers rest on the nose and the other fingers rest on the mouth. Inhale through the nose, then exhale and keep the air out while pressing your nose with your fingers. Hold for as long as possible. It’s very important to keep the ears closed and listen for inner sounds. Continue for 5 to 11 minutes. To end, inhale, stretch the arms up and relax. Make sure you have some time to relax afterward.
10th BODY = The Radiant Body
The King/The Queen
“All or Nothing”
Will I allow myself to be creative and courageous?
In a challenge position, this may manifest as a fearful person with low self-esteem. You may think that other people want you to always be courageous and radiant. You may have fluctuations and act at inappropriate times.
Your desire is to be excellent and to obtain more of what you expected in the first place.
In strength position, you exude excellence in all your actions. You are very inspiring and uplifting. You can act despite fear.
- Spinal Flex.
- Sat Kriya.
- Cat and Cow.
- Plough Pose/ Shoulder Stand.
- Locust Pose.
- Archer pose.
- Gobinda meditation. Sit in easy pose. Bend the the middle finger and the ring finger of both hands at the middle knuckles and place them together. Place the index fingers on top, the pinkies underneath, and use the thumbs to hold it all tight at the solar plexus. Chant Gobinda, placing emphasis on ‘GO’ for the first 6 times and on ‘DA’ for the next 6 times. Keep the eyes 1/10 open. 11 minutes.
11th BODY = Spiritual Excellence
Divine Channel
Will I allow myself to know all and be all?
In a challenge position, this may manifest as a person who feels that something has been missing in his education or that his needs were not met as a child. You feel others expect you to have it all together, all the answers, the look and so on, even when you don’t feel like it. You are overwhelmed by life and its demands.
Your deepest desire is to excel in all areas of life, to shine and inspire all.
In a strength position, this may manifest as a person who feels that everything they need will be provided and manifested. This person has it all together. They have a natural ability to know what is needed in any situation even though they don’t know everything about the situation.
The number 11 embodies all of the numbers. If you have it as your challenge, people expect you to have it all together. If you have it as your strength you do have it all together, although no one has it all together all the time. You can do a mental check of the ten bodies at any time to keep them all together.
Example of a mental check:
- 1. Am I being compassionate and creative with myself, my actions, and others?
- 2. Am I calculating the risk of this situation or relationship, is it because of my wanting to belong?
- 3. Am I allowing myself to be optimistic and to experience the good things?
- 4. Am I being balanced in my thinking?
- 5. Am I making use of my strengths? Am I sharing my strength with others (teacher)?
- 6. Am I being truthful? Am I acting with integrity?
- 7. Am I being uplifting with myself and others?
- 8. Am I being fearless?
- 9. Am I being subtle?
- 10. Am I being courageous and creative?
Any of the above stretch Kriyas.
- RA MA Meditation. Sit in easy pose place the hands in Gyan mudra on the knees. The eyes are closed and gazing at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra. Breathe long and deep while mentally vibrating the mantra RA MA. From 1 to 11 minutes.