Benefits: Excellent to stretch what is called“the life nerve”, which goes from the back of the heels, and thighs (the sciatic nerve), the whole spine (lower, middle, and upper), all the way up to the back of the neck. How to do it: Sit with both legs extended forward. Make sure you are sitting on the sit bones. Bring the chest to the thighs. Don’t lead with the head. Grab the leg as far as you can (knees, ankles, or toes), and stay down while breathing.
Other way also known as “Leg Stretches” is inhale when you bring the torso up, and exhale when you bring the torso down.
Breath: Breathe through the nose.
Time: 2 to 3 times.
Benefits: It releases the tension in the lower back. Stimulates the rise of the Kundalini energy through the spine.How to do it: Sit down in easy pose (as shown in the photo). Inhale and bend the spine forward while bringing the shoulder blades back, then exhale and push the spine back. The eyes can be closed or opened. You can mentally chant the mantra SAT (truth) in the inhalation and NAM (name, identity) in the exhalation. Maintain the head at the same level, only the spine moves. To end, inhale and pull root lock for a few seconds then exhale.