This meditation will calm and relax you and the baby. It’s done with the sacred sound of the mantra, Sat Nam, which makes all your body vibrate at the rhythm of the infinity within you. The long chanting exhalation releases the tension and negativity fades away.
How to do it;
Sit in a cross legged position (or on a chair with the spine straight and both feet flat on the floor). Place the left hand on top of the right hand both facing up. The right thumb crosses over the left thumb. Elbows are bent comfortably touching the body. The hands are hold in front of the sternum.
Inhale deeply and chant a long SAT, and at the very end chant NAM. The ratio if possible will be 35:1. But do not struggle if you can make it that long. You will provably be able to make it longer with time.
Time: From 3 to 31 minutes.
To end: Inhale hold for a few seconds, then exhale.
Yoga For Women
- Video
- Meditations
- Meditation to heal the self and others – “RA MA DA SA”
- Meditation to heal the body, mind, spirit and arc line – Kirtan Kriya -“SA TA NA MA”
- Sodarshan Chakra Kriya-The most powerful anti-depressant meditation
- Rejuvenation Meditation
- Meditation to prevent freaking out
- A meditation to become a healer, conquer sickness, and perfect the power of prayer.
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