Yoga and Ayurveda: A Recipe for a Good Night’s Sleep
We all know how vital a good night’s sleep is. Lack of sleep can cause a number of problems including, fatigue, stress, disorientation, and can even bring on certain ailments. For these very reasons, it is important to focus on how we all can achieve our maximum sleep potential. This article is designed to show you that a good night’s sleep isn’t too far away; all you need is a little homeopathic remedy!
In Ayurvedic philosophy, lack of sleep or difficulties sleeping (insomnia), is caused by indigestion. This can be either, physical, mental, or emotional blockage that we haven’t quite yet figured out what to do with. That is why Ayurvedic practitioners have designed a set of rules to help you govern your life and have also created a pre-bedtime routine to ease you into a sleeping pattern.
To begin with, it is very important to prepare your bedroom to be as comfortable and inviting as possible. If you have a bright light switch it for a bulb that is softer, thus creating a calming environment. The room should be well ventilated to allow a nice air flow. Always keep a glass of room temperature water next to the bed in case you are thirsty during the night. By not getting up for water you will be able to fall asleep much quicker. The room temperature water is also a must because drinking cold water in the middle of the night is a shock to the body. As for pajamas, most Yogi’s nix that idea and recommend that you sleep naked as to not be disrupted by clothes during the night.
Now that the guidelines are established, it is important to have a routine. In the early evening, avoid eating a heavy meal; this will interfere with your digestion and make you feel tired in the morning. Before going to bed, start your routine with a few asanas (Yoga postures) to get relaxed and comfortable. It is important to do this in order to get rid of all the negative energy and stress, and really concentrate on relaxing. Researchers all over the world advocate Yoga as a surefire means to induce a sleeplike state. It is not fully understood why Yoga helps as much as it does, but it is important for all insomniacs to incorporate some form of Yoga into their nightly sleep routine.
If you have tried all of the above and still are having trouble falling asleep, do not panic there is still hope! Insomnia is a common problem in our caffeine driven society, and you are in the same boat as many others. However, if you feel you still need extra help, there are several varieties of homeopathic herbs that can help you to sleep. Herbs such as hops, passionflower, and Valerian root (just to name a few) can be taken in tablet or tea form and are great just before bedtime. These natural substances are gentle on your body and will bring on a calming effect. They don’t work with the central nervous system like most prescription medicines, and are sold over the counter and readily available.
By using Ayurvedic remedies and practicing Yoga you will be able to once again experience a good night’s sleep. Although some of these guidelines aren’t for everyone, it is still good to use some of them along with the asanas in order to become more familiar with these practices. Try it out, there’s nothing to lose.
Happy Sleeping!