Using the Power of Meditation to Create a Better Life
Meditation is the continual, uninterrupted conscious ability to hold your mind at its quietest and calmest state. This awareness can only be achieved through great discipline and the practice of getting past the shallow, busy thoughts that plague each and every person’s mind. Our minds produce thoughts on conscious and subconscious levels; at times we may be thinking negatively without even realizing it. Meditation brings about an inner awareness that enables the person engaging in it to detach themselves from the unnecessary brainwork.
The purest form of happiness comes from a less polluted mind that filters negative activity from its space. Meditation sharpens the mind while in that very state, but it also gives a person the necessary tools to change the thought process in many other situations. Anger, jealousy, and frustration are a few of the many feelings that a person has the ability to control. By realizing a specific emotion is present (much like the way you are aware of your state of mind in meditation), you can then separate yourself from that feeling; it is not a part of you, just another passing thought. Meditation allows a person to learn different “thought behavior”. It is essentially self-manipulation of the mind.
The very reason meditation has such a profound effect on numerous lives is that the process enables us to be our own witness to every aspect of thought and live “in the now”. A meditative lifestyle ensures that a person can live life this way as much as they choose to. The power of now is achieved through conscious thought and causes a person to feel more grateful and content on a daily basis.
Venturing deeper inside of yourself by the power of meditation detaches people from emotional baggage, their ego, and the solid world in which we live. The true personality can shine through when negative thoughts are not present in the mind. The mind is an abstract space that is seldom calm, but when settled it benefits a person to an unbounded extent.
Researchers have conducted studies on people who meditate and have found that they are often happier, more apt to be able to concentrate for long periods of time, and able to calm themselves efficiently during a state of panic, anger, or frustration. People who engage in meditation often feel that they lead more fulfilling lives. The human nature causes most humans to have insatiable appetites for material and superficial things, however, once these desires are overcome with the power of mediation, life can be lead to the fullest.