Downward – Facing Dog 2 – Adho Mukha Svanasana
Begin on the hands and the feet. Don’t move the hands or the feet towards the other. The fingers are expanded and the elbows straight, unless you have hyperextension, in that case it’s recommended to bend the elbows slightly. The heels are on the floor, or as close to the floor as possible. The knees are straight. Remember this is an active position. The abdomen it’s completely in. The chin is tucked in towards the chest. Look at your belly bottom. Without moving your hands you push the tailbone away from your body. Hold and breathe.
- This pose has a calming effect on the brain while also energizing the body.
- It helps to relieve stress, mild depression, menstrual discomfort (when performed with the head supported), and symptoms of menopause, headaches, insomnia, back pain and fatigue.
- This pose helps to stretch the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches and hands, and strengthens the arms and legs.
- Down-Facing Dog can also help to prevent osteoporosis and improve digestion.
- It can be used therapeutically for high blood pressure, sciatica, sinusitis, asthma and flat feet.