The more you practice yoga, the better you will get. In fact, there is not much more theory in Yoga as in practice.
“Don’t think, just practice.” Pattabhi Jois –
At least several classes a week will be needed for you to feel a difference. Or, as I always say, “It’s better to have one class than no class at all”. However, as you grow and progress in yoga, daily practice is required.
It is best to practice daily at a fixed time, without fail, following a Yoga routine (Kyra). On certain days the mind may present justifications for not practicing, or you may be upset, disturbed, or restless. If there is no illness present, you should continue to do your practice as normal.
“It takes 40 days to establish a habit, 90 days to confirm it. 120 days to master it -everyone will know it.” Yogi Bhajan –
Promoting a habit – Do a special yoga set and/or meditation for 40 days. Keep a diary of your progress and the changes you go through.
Sadhana (daily practice) is best done 2 ½ hours before the sunrise. This practice is called Ambrosial hours, or Amrit Vela. The time to do this is from 4:00 to 7:00 in the morning or from 4:00 to 7:00 in the evening.
During “the Ambrosial Hours”, when the sun is at a sixty degree angle with the earth, you will receive maximum results. Also, when your world is quieter, you can meditate better and this will lead to better concentration. This is also the time we need to be awake to receive the first solar energy of the day.
“Any fool can sleep, but wise is that one who rises before sun.” Sahkti Parwha kaur Khalsa
Sadhana is your personal, spiritual effort. Just as you need to take a shower to clean your body, you need to do Sadhana to clean your mind. This is done to clear your mind before your day starts.
“What happens when you don’t shower for a while? “You stink, right?!- The same thing happens with the mind. If you don’t take the time to take care of one of your most valuable gifts, with time it will stink too.” – Yogi Bhajan
On “how to wake up in the morning and do your daily practice, Sadhana,” click here.
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