Marichyasana D
Marichyasana D
Marichyasana D1
Marichyasana D2
Marichyasana D3
Marichyasana D4
Marichyasana D5
Marichyasana D6
Sit with the legs extended straight out on the floor. While exhaling, bend the left knee, placing the toes and heel in the right groin (half lotus). Now place the right heel toward the buttocks. Bring the left arm around the outside of the right knee and grab the left wrist with the right hand behind your back. Inhaling, directing the gaze backward over the right shoulder. Hold for a few breaths. Then release and repeat on the other side.
Marichyasana D1, D2, D3, (D4-D5), and D6 are other easy options for beginner students.
- This pose helps to calm the brain and stretch the spine and shoulders.
- It also stimulates the abdominal organs, including the liver and kidneys.
It can improve digestions, flatulence and constipation.