Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana
Sit on the floor with the legs together and extended out in front of you. A folded blanket may be used to support the buttocks. Gently rock onto the left buttock and pull out the right sitting bone then repeat on the other side. While inhaling, lean forward from the hips. Grasp the sides of the feet with your hands if possible or use a strap around the soles of the feet to hold onto. Gently increase the stretch, lowering the torso and head, and hold the position.
- It is known to calm the brain and improve digestion.
- It can help to relieve stress, anxiety, mild depression, menstrual discomfort, menopause symptoms, headaches, and fatigue.
- It stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries and uterus and stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings.
- The Seated Forward Bend has been used therapeutically for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia and sinusitis.
Traditionally it has been said to increase appetite, reduce obesity and cure diseases.