Mudras are described as hand positions. Each area of the
hand it has a reflex reaction in a specific part of the brain. A Mudra locks
and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain.
Together with the Bhandas redirect
the energy flow, linking the individual pranic energy with universal force.
Each finger represents the
energy of a planet, a determinate qualities, and emotions. The thumbs represent
the ego.
These are the most common
Place together the tip of
the index finger and thumb . Index finger represents Jupiter. Jupiter represents
knowledge, and expansion. This is one of the most commonly use Mudras.
The “active” form, with the
index finger underneath the thumb, it’s practice for powerful pranayamas, or
Place together the tip of
the middle finger and thumb. The middle finger it is associated with Saturn. Saturn
represents the patience, discernment, and the law of karma, be courageous, and
Place together the tip of
the ring finger and thumb. Ring finger it is associated with the Sun, or Uranus.
The Sun represents energy, health, and sexuality. Uranus represents the nervous
system strength, intuition, and change.
Place together the tip of
the pinky and thumb. The pinky finger it is associated with Mercury. Mercury represents
quickness, and the power of communication.
The name derivates of the
connection of the negative and positive side of the Venus mounds on each hand,
which is the fleshy area at the base of the thumb.
Venus represents sensuality,
and sexuality. This Mudra channels the sexual energy, and balances the
glandular system. If you place the hands in this Mudra on your lap, it will
help you to concentrate better.
The thumbs represent the ego.
It’s done interlacing the fingers. For women the right pinky stays at the
bottom, for men the left pinky stays at the bottom. One of the thumbs is
touching the fleshy part between the other thumb and the index finger.
Neutralizes the positive
(male) and negative side (female) of the body. It’s always done before starting
a Yoga class. By pressing the palms of the hands
together firmly we connect the two hemispheres of the brain bringing them to
balance. And when we touch with the thumbs the sternum we stimulated the nerve
called by the yogis “nerve mind” that goes to the brain. This mudra helps us to
listen, to focus physically and mentally. It connects us with our higher self.
This Mudra is use to
stimulate the heart, and to intensify concentration.
The right hand is facing the
chest, and the left hand is facing the palm of the right hand. The left thumb
is facing down. Curl the fingers of both hands forming a fish.
This Mudra it is commonly
used for meditation. The right hand is resting on top of the left palm. Both
palms are facing up, resting on the lap. The tips of the thumbs touch. The hand
position is reverse for women.
The planets are also
associates with the days of the week, as follows:
- Monday Moon The quality is: Emotional
- Tuesday Mars The quality is: Energetic, combative
- Wednesday Mercury The quality is: Business, communication
- Thursdays Jupiter The quality is: Expansion and deep thought
- Fridays Venus The quality is: Love, and sensuality
- Saturday Saturn The quality is: Karma, constriction,
discipline - Sunday Sun The quality is: Purity, energy of the self.