Hero krounchasana
This is an advance position, not suitable for beginners. Sit with the legs extended straight in front of you. Bending the right knee, place the foot right on the floor beside the right hip. The shin and top of the foot will rest on the floor with the toes pointing back. Keep the knees together. Slightly bend the left knee and grab hold of the left foot with your hands. Keep the back straight and straighten the left leg, bringing the foot up and as close to the torso as possible, ideally bringing the knee to the chin. Hold the position and then release.
- Used therapeutically for flatulence and flat feet.
- It stimulates the abdominal organs and heart.
- This position is stretches the hamstrings, knee and hips.
- It improves the function of the reproductive, lymphatic systems, as well as the liver, and kidney.
- This removes the menstrual tension in the reproductive organs.
- It also calms the mind, and reduces stress.
Do not do it if you are or suspect you can be pregnant, if you have knee, hip or ankle joint injuries. Do not suitable for people with asthma or insomnia.