What are Bhandas
The locks in the body, also called Bhandas, are intentional muscle contractions, with the aim of redirecting the energy flow within the body. These techniques speed up the raise of Kundalini energy, which allows the experience of higher states of consciousness.
Mula Bhanda or Root Lock
Mula (moola) means root and is located near the sexual organs. This is stimulated by contracting the sex organs, the navel, and the rectum. This motion consists in three parts: First the anal sphincter is contracted,
then the sex organs, and lastly the lower abdominal muscles and the navel contracts toward the spine. There is an upward and inward feeling. continue
Uddiyana Bhanda is located at the diaphragm level, or the element at the solar plexus (fire). The heat opens up the higher center (heart chakra), the center of true love, kindness,
and compassion. It separates the love triangle where instinct and reaction takes places, with the upper triangle of the body, where more conscious acts come from. continue
Jalandhara Bhanda or Neck Lock
Jalandhara Bhanda is located at the trough level, the highest level in the body. It directs the energy of the central channel preventing the energy to disperse to other areas of the body; such as the eyes or ears. It seals the energy generated by the areas of the brain stem . continue
Maha Bhanda or the Great Lock
This technique consists in the application of three locks at the same time while holding the breath out in perfect posture and concentration. It is practiced after breathing exercises, Pranayama, and postures. It is said that the body is in its perfect healing state. continue
Yoga Essentials – The Basics of Yoga