This exercise massages and energizes all of the internal organs and gets the intestines moving. If you practice Nauli regularly, your elimination system becomes more regular.
- Stand up with your legs apart, the knees slightly bent, and the hands resting on your thighs.
- Inhale deeply and, while exhaling completely, push on your thighs. When the lungs are empty, draw you diaphragm upward.
- Without taking a breath, begin moving the central band of muscles in your abdomen forward and back, in and out. Relax and inhale when you need to. Repeat the process a few more times.
- Once you are used to this practice, try abdominal churning.
- Press harder on your thigh with your right hand to move your muscle to the left, then use pressure on your left hand to move the muscle to the right. Repeat this movement a few more times.
The best way to practice this cleansing technique is with a teacher. If you have any medical conditions, please consult with your doctor first.