Go back in time
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax
Try to remember how you where a year ago. Go back in time, and continue remembering you when you where younger and younger, thinking retrospectively until you can remember how you where as a child.
If you can’t remember it, then imagine it.
Imagine you as a fetus in your mother’s belly: warm, happy, safe, peacefully, without worries.
Feel all those sensations, and enjoy them as much as possible.
Walk on the sand
Close your eyes and relax.
Imagine yourself walking barefoot on a beautiful beach. The day is one of the most amazing you’ve ever seen, cloudless blue sky, warm breeze. Walk through the sand until you finally reach the sea. Visualize how the water magically removes from your body any kind of negative energy, and sense how the sunshine holds you, filling your body with positive energy.
Experience this two sensations very deeply: the sea taking away all your fears, illness, concerns, etc., and the warm sun filling you with vitality, peace, joy, happiness.
Pick a special place
Imagine yourself in a beautiful and special place that you been before and had a peaceful and happy experience.
Visualize and sense that nothing else matters in this moment than you and feel only the peace that that place brings you.
There is not worries, fear, concern that can reach you.
But if unexpectedly some worry or doubt arise, don’t try to evade them. Accept that situation, and feel like this though is like, for example a piece of paper.
Light a match, and start burning that paper. Watch how the paper burns and consumes itself.
When there is not signs of this little piece of paper, not even its ashes, feel the peace coming back to you and enjoy it.
Receiving Joy
Close your eyes and relax. Remember an occasion when you had an irresistible attack of laughter. Now you are going to liberate it. Breathe deeply and slowly. When you complete your third breath, try to remember the details of this instance that lead to your attack of laughter. Look at yourself from the outside, as if you were watching another person laugh. Without putting much effort into it, allow all the details of that scene of happiness to return from your memory like you are traveling back in time to that moment. Listen to yourself laugh. Try to listen closely to how your laughter comes out, shaking from the inside and coming out of your mouth. Sit down happily like you had before. Maintain that sensation of happiness for as long as your mind will allow you to.
Healing through the five elements
The teachings of ancient China reveal the presence of five elements which are responsible for all natural phenomena. They also apply to the powers of the human body. The elements are wood, fire, earth, water and metal. Each one of these elements is directly related to an organ in the body. For example, wood is related to the liver, fire to the heart, earth to the stomach, metal to the lungs, and water to the kidneys. During meditation, we can utilize these elements to improve the health of our body.
For people who have problems with their liver they can try the following meditation:
- Close your eyes and relax.
- Take a slow deep breath, filling your abdomen with air.
- Imagine that the air is being transformed into energy, passing through the trunks of strong, tall trees. Visualize this energy being recharged by the energy of the trees, reaching your liver and cleaning all the impurities that have caused your illness.
If you suffer from an illness of the abdomen, begin meditation in the same way as explained above, except this time imagine the following:
- Imagine a mass of energy coming out of the heart and into your abdomen, helping you to heal.
If you suffer from an illness in your lungs, you should being your meditation with the following visualization:
- Imagine a mass of energy that comes from any metal. This will help heal your lungs. Imagine that your lungs are lined with a metal (gold, silver, platinum, or any other metal) in order to protect you from illness.
If your ailments are in your kidneys, meditate in the following way:
- The air that you breathe penetrates your body in the form of water. Water is a fluid element with enormous mystical powers, both physical and spiritual.
- Imagine that the air you breathe becomes water, cleansing your kidneys of all impurities and healing them.
People, who have an illness of the heart should visualize the following meditation:
- Imagine that the air you breathe while meditating is transformed into an energy full of love. Direct this energy towards your heart as if it were fire, burning all the impurities that have caused your illness.
How to heal from a distance
If you decide to help other people, especially with their health, you should believe that we all have the power to heal and are able to heal from a distance, even if the person is not present with us.
- Sit comfortably and relax where you will be meditating.
- Visualize the person as healthy, exploring their body from head to toe. There will be a time that you will stop at a certain part of the body, pausing in the exploration. Focus on this area.
- Use your hand to vigorously sweep any negative energy that is trapped in this part of the body.
- Imagine the negative energy, while you are sweeping it with your hands, falling to the floor and completely evaporating. Imagine powerful healing rays of light in the affected area.
- You should always begin with powerful rays of white light, and later apply the appropriate light to the part of the body that is being healed.
- Thank the Supreme Being for the opportunity to heal this other person.
Learning to close
It has been demonstrated in studies that at the final session of healing, despite the theory that energy cannot be transferred, there is an imbalance of energy. As that patient’s energy increases, your energy level decreases. The feeling of compassion is so strong in the person performing the healing that it is possible to share some of the negative energy when the healing is being performed. When you are meditating and healing another person, you need to know how to close the healing so that you do not have any residue of negative energy that can result in illness or pain. After a healing session, you should visualize a powerful flame that burns all impurities that may have been left around the patient. Then visualize a circle of light. Place yourself in this circle, confident that this will be your best form of protection.