A Deeper Look into Yoga
Upon witnessing a person engaged in contorting yoga postures, one may wonder why someone would choose to practice such a demanding form of exercise. The truths of the matter is that yogi share their wisdom with one another and grow mentally from yoga, while staying physically fit in a natural and inexpensive way. They are very smart people, and choose to expand and alter their minds in a completely safe way.
Yoga postures keep a person’s muscles strong while the joints become increasingly flexible. Unlike most forms of exercise, yoga should never hurt the body or feel forced in any way. Yoga is a daily practice, while for others it can only be fit into a schedule once or twice a week. Yoga should be looked at as maintenance to fine tune the mind, body, and soul.
In ancient India, the original yogis began a set of exercises and mental practices that brought them health and joy. Meditation was practiced for various lengths of time in nature, and the yogi wore very few clothes. They were the first to develop yogasanas, now called asanas which are the postures held in yoga. The poses became a separate tool from the original form of yoga, which also involved meditation, and are now practiced as a form of exercise. Even if people choose to only perform this part of yoga, the practice will positively enrich their view of life and the way in which they live it.
Some yoga poses are named after animals (Peacock, Crow), plants (Lotus), and objects (The Boat). The poses reflect everyday life and are easily integrated into most lifestyles. The ultimate pose is used for meditation. Yogi sit with a straight back with their legs folded underneath them, with their foot tucked on top of the thigh of the opposite leg. The hands are rested on the thighs, palms to the sky, with the thumbs and first fingers forming an “O”. The eyes are closed or barely open, and the posture promotes a peaceful journey deep into the mind.
Pranayama is another portion of yoga. In pranayama, the breaths are consciously slow and deep. This technique slows the thought process and creates awareness in the body. Although many people now practice yoga, the yogis are a different kind of people. The majority of humans do not try to reach their souls, and work to create only positive thoughts.
There are many things to consider while beginning yoga. It is best to consult another person involved with this healing practice or to attend a yoga class. Reading written instructions on how to perform yoga does not have the same impact on someone as really understanding its purpose and witnessing its delivery. It is also important to consult your physician if you suffer from medical issues and want to participate in the activity. Age, race, religion, and social stigmas should not affect the people practicing yoga. Yoga teaches acceptance of oneself and others in the world. Appropriate yoga attire should be worn to classes, meaning the material should be natural and the clothes should fit comfortably. The asanas are not a good idea to practice on a full belly, and smoking and drinking are not habits yogi should engage in. Yoga asks for the discipline of its followers, and that sometimes means making a sacrifice for an overall benefit.