The Needs of the Female Body Attended Through Yoga
A woman’s body requires different care than a man’s due to many genetic factors. The biological purpose of the woman’s body is to reproduce, and while this idea is invalid to our society today, the female body is still composed this way. The breasts are available to produce milk when necessary, there is a higher fat content in the body so it is able to protect a fetus, the menstrual cycle is active, menopause occurs later in life when reproduction is no longer possible, and the hormone estrogen is present. The female body also tends to be less muscular or prone to muscle forming due to the lack of testosterone.
Because the female genetic make-up differs from that of a male, women must learn to cater to the needs of their body. Frequent hormonal changes, a lack of iron, and fluid deficiencies are three main issues that women have, but do not properly recognize. The body will be healthier and the mind happier once a woman learns to balance herself in the physical and emotional sense.
Some women have high stress levels, which are difficult to combat if the body has not been taken care of. Trends to be thin, beautiful, and wealthy set high standards for the female population, which can also increase the stress level, especially if an ideal like staying thin gives a woman confidence but makes her unhealthy due to lack of nutrition. It is essential for women to know that they must do what is best for themselves and no one else.
The ways in which a woman can dramatically improve her health are simple. A healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen are a great way to begin. A combination of the two can actually be found within yoga, a science created thousands of years ago that continues to have a strong influence on our modern world.
Yoga allows women to go about their daily lives without focusing on their menstrual pains or high stress level. The physical benefits of yoga are a toned body with greater flexibility. Traditional yogi are vegetarians that eat an extremely healthy diet, so if one wishes to gain the most from yoga, they ought to try eating healthier as well. All yogi encourage their fellow students or practitioners to be the best they can be, and they offer much praise and emotional encouragement through the entire process. Below is a list of a ways in which yoga can help a women deal with her everyday life:
- Eases PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps
- Keeps hormone levels more regulated during pregnancy
- Meditation and breathing techniques can be used during actual labor
- Healthy eating habits benefit the baby while in the womb
- Food consumed helps prevent many diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
- Mood swings can be minimized when a female has a calm state of mind, which yoga teaches
- Menopausal symptoms are decreased
- Bodily changes (puberty, adulthood, pre-menopausal, menopausal, post-menopausal, etc.) are easy to transition to
- The self-confidence level is raised due to praise and unity of a yoga class
- The body remains at a healthy weight and becomes stronger
Above are just some ways in which yoga can benefit a woman’s health, however one cannot put a limit on the numerous ways in which people are changed from this practice. The possibilities are infinite and positive; yoga brings great joy to anyone involved in it. Without women the human population would cease to exist. It is also a fact that when one is happier, they are more apt to lead a longer and pleasurable life.
*If you are interested in beginning yoga, you can refer to my videos on this web page for instruction on asanas, pranayama, and meditation.