How to do it:There are many variations of Marytsasana. Basically are Marytsasana A, B, C, and D. We have detail all the steps to get to these positions with alternative options for beginners at the following page.
How to do it: Lie down on the abdomen feet together with the hands underneath the shoulders and the chin on the floor. Inhale through the nose and bring the torso up. Once up look up. Another variation called “half cobra” is leaving the forearms on the floor.
To end: Exhale and slowly release the posture and lie down on the floor.
Breath: Breathe long and deep through the nose.
Time: 1-2 minutes
Benefits: Strengthens the back, and neck muscles.How to do it: Lie down on the abdomen feet together with the hands underneath the shoulders and the chin on the floor. Inhale through the nose and bring the torso up. Once up look up. Another variation called “half cobra” is leaving the forearms on the floor.
To end: Exhale and slowly release the posture and lie down on the floor.
Breath: Breathe long and deep through the nose.
Time: 1-2 minutes
Benefits:This is a great position to correct spinal misalignment’s. Strengthens the back, and neck muscles.To end: Exhale and slowly release the posture and lie down on the floor.
How to do it:Lie down on the abdomen grab the uncles with the hands. Inhale and bring the torso and legs up.
Breath:Breathe long and deep through the nose.
Time: 1-2 minutes.
Benefits:This is a great position to create more flexibility in the spine. Brings the circulation up to the head. Stimulates the spinal nerves.
How to do it:Lie down on the back. Grab the uncles with the hands (if possible), or just leave the arms by the side with the palms facing down. Inhale and bring the pelvis up. Hold and breathe.
To end: Exhale and slowly release the hips down and lie down on the floor.
Note: There are many variations of this asana.
Breath:Breathe long and deep through the nose. Time: 1-2 minutes.
Benefits:This is a great position to create more flexibility in the spine. Brings the circulation up to the head. Stimulates the spinal nerves.How to do it:Lie down on the back. Grab the uncles with the hands (if possible), or just leave the arms by the side with the palms facing down. Inhale and bring the pelvis up. Hold and breathe.
To end: Exhale and slowly release the hips down and lie down on the floor.
Note: There are many variations of this asana.
Breath:Breathe long and deep through the nose. Time: 1-2 minutes.