Pregnancy, Child Birth, and Postpartum
The yogis see pregnancy as the gift of giving life. Yogi Bhajan said that marriage is the highest yoga and children are your karmic teachers. The relationship with your partner is your highest spiritual practice and your baby will become the teacher from whom… continue
Long Deep Breathing
It’s one of the most common ways to breathe. This type of breathe is done by using the full capacity of the lungs in both, the inhalation, and the exhalation, slowly, with no rush. Normally done through the nose because it aids in the breathe control, although… continue
Broken breaths
In some kriyas its use the broken breaths. How to do it: (1) This type of breathing works with a ratio for inhale, hold, exhale, and hold. i.e. 1:4:2:0, 4:16:2:0. Inhale in four strokes through the nose, hold 4 sec, exhale in two strokes, and hold the air out O. (2) Another… continue
One Minute Breath
This can be practiced before having sex to receive and conceive. Sit in a cross-legged position with the spine straight and place the hands on your knees in Gyan mudra (index finger and thumb together). Inhale for 5 seconds, hold comfortably for… continue
The Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga
There are many benefits, including the following: Opens the chest for deeper breathing. Lifts the breastbone to make more room for the baby. Stretches the legs wide to exercise the pelvic muscles. Holds the spine erect for a free flow of energy. Steadies emotions… continue
Kundalini Yoga Set for Pregnancy
Sit in easy pose and grab the ankles. Inhale as you bend the spine forward, and then exhale back while pushing the lower spine back. Inhale and exhale through the nose. The head is maintained at the same level. It releases the lower back… continue
Other Exercises For Pregnancy
Lie down on one side bend the leg is on top so that a foot is resting on the other leg. Bend the arm is on top and place the hand behind the hip. Inhale and push the hip forward, then exhale and bring the hip back. 2 to 3 minutes each side… continue
Recommended meditations during pregnancy
This meditation will calm and relax you and the baby. It’s done with the sacred sound of the mantra, Sat Nam, which makes all your body vibrate at the rhythm of the infinity within you. The long chanting exhalation releases the tension and negativity fades away… continue
The breathing techniques can help you during labor. Yogi Bhajan always said that if you control your breath, you will control any situation in your life. This may be easy to say but challenging at a situation like this one, and because of this practicing… continue
The 40 days after the baby is born are very important. The yogis believe that the mom and the baby share the same soul for 40 days after labor. The mom will become the first role model for her newborn…
Food Tips
Chlorophyll is a daily must in a woman’s diet. It decreases the levels of acidity in the body, strengthens the immune system, enhances energy, detoxifies the liver, eliminates body odor and bad breath, it cleans the digestive tract, aides in the prevention of liver cancer… continue
Off the Record Prenatal Tips
Lots of pregnant moms experience pain on their hip specially after their second trimester.
I always recommend them to purchase a special knee memory foam pillow.
This type of pillow will keep the knees to the ideal distance without losing it’s thickness, and it will alleviate the pressure at the hip.
… continue
Yoga For Women
Daily Yoga Poses 4 women
- Video
- Meditations
- Meditation to heal the self and others – “RA MA DA SA”
- Meditation to heal the body, mind, spirit and arc line – Kirtan Kriya -“SA TA NA MA”
- Sodarshan Chakra Kriya-The most powerful anti-depressant meditation
- Rejuvenation Meditation
- Meditation to prevent freaking out
- A meditation to become a healer, conquer sickness, and perfect the power of prayer.
Sexuality & Intimacy